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Package of 3

  • Yoichi Apple Brandy Wood Finish (Limited) 
    By aging the single malt Yoichi – which has a powerful and rich flavor – further in apple brandy barrels, it achieves a harmony of rich sweetness and light peat notes. The sweet aroma of apple compote and the rich aroma of malt, are reminiscent of apple pie and fruit cookies, with a subtle sweetness of peat and wheat.
  • Miyagikyo Apple Brandy Wood Finish (Limited) 
    By aging the single malt Miyagikyo, with a gorgeous and light flavor of apple brandy barrels that combines fresh sweetness with soft astringency. Light woody barrel aroma notes and freshness of fresh apples combined with a sweet and sour taste are reminiscent of fruit cakes.

Free Taketsuru Pure Malt (NEW)
With a higher portion of Yoichi malt, the new version continues the classic style, following by a smoother and richer taste. 繼日本威士忌品牌 Nikka 早前宣布竹鶴 17、21 和 25年停產,品牌以新風格推出無年份純麥威士忌。新款 Taketsuru Pure Malt 採用更高比例的余市釀酒廠生產的麥芽,透過精湛的釀造技術調配宮城峽釀製。新版延續經典⾵風格之外,口感更細滑香濃,富杏仁乾果香,餘韻悠長而甘香。⽢香。新⽵鶴純⿆調和威⼠忌兼具獨有傳統的專業和技術,加上創新、獨特的⾵風格,為竹鶴收藏家帶來⾮同凡享的體驗。

Yoichi + Miyagikyo Apple Brandy Wood Finish (Limited) + Taketsuru Pure Malt NEW

HK$12,800 Regular Price
HK$9,688Sale Price

    2024 by Denise Wine Tasting

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    “Under the law of HK, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business”. 

    “根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應 令人醺醉的酒類。”

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